The Emilgroup corporate policy has always been based on respect for the environment, people’s health and the socioeconomic fabric of the community in which it operates. Over the years the company has sought to implement the values of sustainable construction by constantly improving the impact of its production process, focusing on the healthiness of its products, safeguarding the health and safety of all workers and, last but not least, supporting people and the local area.

Corporate policy
In order to fully meet the expectations of stakeholders in terms of the quality of its products/services and processes, occupational health and safety and its respect for the environment and energy performance, Emilgroup believes that it is fundamental to understand all of the positive and negative impacts it generates in its sphere of action.
Emilgroup must be able to identify, quantify and manage its risks and opportunities taking an overall life cycle perspective of its products and processes, and adopting a transparent, collaborative and prudent approach.

Code of ethics
Emilgroup has issued a Code of Ethics with the intention of further reinforcing relations with all stakeholders.
The Emilgroup code of ethics:
- States the Company's rights, duties and responsibilities in relation to all its stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees, associates, shareholders and institutions) in the pursuit of its corporate objective
- Is intended to establish ethical and behavioural “standards” to guide corporate decision-making processes and conduct
- Requires management and all those to whom it applies to behave appropriately, with actions that do not breach the corporate Code of Ethics
- Helps to implement the Group’s policy of social and environmental responsibility, minimizing exposure to risks of compliance and reputation and reinforcing a sense of belonging in its stakeholders.

Support for culture
Emilgroup believes in the social and cultural role of enterprise and has promoted and financed important projects to promote and safeguard cultural heritage over the years.
Emilgroup has made a long-term commitment to the restoration of the Ducal Palace in Sassuolo, recovering and restoring the original floors in terracotta and financing the restoration of the 17th-century frescoes by painter Jean Boulanger in the “Camera di Giove” (Jupiter Room). Among the many initiatives, the most important and original include the rediscovery of the ancient origins of Sassuolo ceramics, supported and documented with the publication of fundamental works, including volumes on Sassuolo ceramics from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Support for schools
Since 2008, every year the group has awarded 10 student grants of a total of €10,000 to children of its employees who have shown outstanding ability in their studies. This initiative is the result of an agreement with the workers’ representatives and aims to support successful academic careers and consolidate the achievements of the students. The grants are awarded in the autumn in the presence of the authorities and the students’ families.

Support for workers and their families
Emilgroup has put together an extensive company welfare programme aimed at improving the individual and family wellbeing of employees who can take advantage of a series of services provided by a number of local partners (banks and insurance companies, cars and services, pharmacies and health services, family services, services for the home, bookshops, sports clubs and gyms, catering, transport and travel, language courses, restaurants and supermarkets) at favourable rates.
The company also offers a healthcare programme for employees and their families, legal advice, psychological health assistance and insurance services. All services offered under these schemes are provided by specialist professionals with the confidentiality of employees guaranteed.
Since 2017, in association with the Modena Health Trust, the company physician and the union representatives, Emilgroup has adhered to the VISION 2020 project to raise awareness among employees of the issues of health and wellbeing through healthy and appropriate lifestyles with dedicated meetings and the support of the company physician during periodic check-ups (combating smoking, preventing obesity and cardiovascular illnesses, dermatological prevention, meetings with nutritionists and osteopaths, first aid and child choking training).